The Amazing Rules Of TAROT

This is the repository of the Tarot source code. Welcome!

Watch the introduction video on Peertube.

Keep up to date with the video NEWS:

1. Download the software

You have several options.

1.1. Not using Windows: try your habitual software distribution

How do you usually download software? Try that method with the name tarot, or eu.planete_kraus.Tarot. If there is no such package, please tell me so that I can work on porting the app to this platform. There is only a requirement: the platform should be able to distribute GPLv3+-licensed applications.

1.2. Still not using Windows, but the above failed: use a supported package manager

Package managers are recommended since they let you stay up to date with each release. Tarot tries to be available with as many package managers as possible, however there are a few restrictions.

1.2.1. You're running a debian- or ubuntu-based system: use apt

You can install tarot system-wide. Run these commands as root.

## Install the packages for custom repositorise
apt install -y wget gnupg apt-transport-https

## Add the tarot signing key
wget -O- | apt-key add -

## Add the archive
wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tarot.list

## Update your list of packages
apt update

## Install the package
apt install tarot

1.2.2. Your favorite package manager is not listed here

Please tell me. There are a few restrictions on which package managers are listed here:

  • the package managers should be free software (free as in;
  • the package manager should not build the package with a non-free toolchain;
  • the package manager should either be decentralized (it should be possible to use it without its "main" archive) or its archive should have a clear policy on accepting only free software.

1.3. Windows users: download the installer

The latest release is provided as a NSIS installer at

1.4. Otherwise: download a release and compile it

Visit and download one of the releases. No checksum is provided because they are available under HTTPS.

The usual steps to compile the project are:

./configure && make && sudo make install

1.5. Just for fun: compile from source

Clone the repository, run the script and follow the usual steps to compile the project. Please note that you need to have lots of maintainer-dependencies, like the Autotools, Vala or Emacs in order to do that.

1.6. Cutting-edge development

Each commit on the repository has an attached distribution and Mingw-compiled setup, as a Gitlab artifact.

2. Documentation

There is an online version of the manual at

If you have a bug, you don't understand something, or have a dream, come and share it with me on the fediverse ( or by email.

Author: Vivien Kraus


Created: 2024-04-28 Sun 04:42
