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2.3.3 Slam declarations

If a player thinks she will take all tricks (not necessarily all points), she can $1 after the bids. In which case, if she wins the bids, she will be the first player to play in the tricks phase (see section Tricks), becoming the $1, and she will get a colossal bonus if she succeeds, or a large penalty if she does not.

There can only be one slam declaration, and it is decided in a round after the bids. This is not exactly how a game of tarot works in real life, since in real life an almost necessary condition to succeed a slam is to own the twenty-one3 , so there are never any ambiguity. However the most realistic way to translate this in the digital world would be to have a timeout of a few seconds, and the first player to declare would be the declarant. However this would be both inconvenient (how long for the timeout?) and unfair towards the non-bots and those with a slow internet connection.

The slam results are summed up in table Table 2.7 in section Add bonuses.



if the 21 is in the dog under a straight or double keep, then it is not necessary. But how frequent could that be?